Monitoring of public procurement. Purchase Orders

The database "Monitoring of public procurement. Purchase Orders" includes the information on all the public procurement orders placed. They are sorted by object of purchase (SKU), type, nature, source of financing, etc

The database "Monitoring of public procurement. Purchase Orders" includes the categorized information on all the public procurement orders placed for medicinal products to meet the public needs, in accordance with Federal Law # 44-FZ of 04/05/2013 On the contract system in the procurement of goods, works, services provided for state and municipal needs, and with the Federal Law of 07/18/2011 # 223-FZ On the procurement of goods, works, and services by certain types of legal entities.

Territorial division: Federal District, Regions, Urban Districts and municipal districts.

Update: Daily

Main fields:

  • Complete information on the procurement: Purchase number, Nature of procurement, Procurement phase, Procured goods, Financing
  • The dates of procurement procedures
  • The deadline for the delivery of goods or the completion of work (indicating the period and the frequency)
  • Link to the purchase
  • Full information about Customers and Recipients
  • Results of bidding and information about the Supplier
  • Information about the goods being procured: Trade name, Brand, Description of the product (presentation + dosage + packaging), INN, Manufacturer, Packager
  • Other characteristics of the drug (ATC Epharma, ATC WHO, OTC or RX, etc.)


 The main purpose of the database is to provide data for analyzing the structure of the public procurement of medicinal products.