Monitoring of Retail Pharmacy Sales of Medicines and Dietary Supplements in the RF

The database "Monitoring of Retail Pharmacy Sales of Medicines and Dietary Supplements in the RF"

A new and unique analytical product covering weekly pharmacy sales of medicines and dietary supplements, in breakdown to SKU, with daily intervals. Based on the data of fiscal data operators: OFD-Ya, First OFD, Platform OFD, Taxcom, Kontur

Basic fields:

  • Commercial name
  • Brand
  • Medicine description (presentation + dosage + package)
  • Presentation
  • Dosage
  • Package
  • INN
  • FTG
  • Manufacturer
  • Packager of dietary supplement/medicine
  • OTC or RX indicator
  • Owner of market authorization
  • Nationwide benefit indicator
  • Regional benefit indicator
  • Localization
  • ATC Epharma
  • Corporation
  • Quantity
  • Price
  • Amount