In 2016, the retail commercial segment of the pharmaceutical market of dietary supplements decreased somewhat both in value and in volume. The share of sales of Russian dietary supplements increased both in packages and in rubles in 2016. The imported dietary supplements grew in price more than domestic ones.
The inexpensive supplements take the largest share in volume but the smallest in value. The expensive ones, on the other hand, account for the largest share of sales in value, but the smallest share in volume.
The company Evalar is the undisputed leader in the sales of dietary supplements in the retail commercial segment of the pharmaceutical market both among the manufacturers and among corporations. The leading brand in sales value is Phytolax manufactured by the company Evalar.
In 2016, the retail commercial segment of the pharmaceutical market of dietary supplements decreased somewhat both in value and in volume. The share of sales of Russian dietary supplements increased both in packages and in rubles in 2016. The imported dietary supplements grew in price more than domestic ones.
The inexpensive supplements take the largest share in volume but the smallest in value. The expensive ones, on the other hand, account for the largest share of sales in value, but the smallest share in volume.
The company Evalar is the undisputed leader in the sales of dietary supplements in the retail commercial segment of the pharmaceutical market both among the manufacturers and among corporations. The leading brand in sales value is Phytolax manufactured by the company Evalar.
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