Analytical reports

04 October 2017

The capacity of the business segment of the pharmacy market (medicinal products, dietary supplements, and pharmacy sideline) in the first half of 2017 reached 545.83 billion rubles in the prices of pharmacy sales, which is 12.7% higher than in the same period of the last year. By volume, about 3.4 billion packages were sold, which is 10% more than in the same period in 2016. 

04 October 2017

Based on the results of the first half of 2017, the value of the hospital segment of the pharmaceutical market amounted to 53.5 billion rubles, while its volume reached 0.26 billion packages. 

22 September 2017

Based on the results of the first half of 2017, medicinal products deliveries were made under the High-cost diseases (HCD) program for the amount of almost 25 billion rubles. This is more than a half of the amount budgeted for this item of expenditure for the year. It is assumed that by the end of 2017, the costs of procurement for HCD will exceed 2016’s costs, and will reach the level of previous years

21 September 2017

Regional and federal networks had the largest profit (difference between the sales at Sell-out and Sell-in) in the first half of 2017, and the local chains can be considered as outsiders based on this parameter. In the years of crisis, the local level networks and smaller pharmacy chains were affected much more than regional and federal ones, which reached the highest profits in the considered period of the first half of 2017, while the local chains’ situation became worse than it was during the crisis 

21 September 2017

According to the analytical company AlfaRM, based on the results of the first 7 months of 2017, the volume of the pharmaceutical market reached 664.2 billion rubles and 2.9 billion packages, growing by 9.3% in value and by 4.5% in volume compared to the same period in 2016. 
