Analytical reports

21 September 2017


According to analytical agencies, the import of synovial fluid prostheses for intra-articular injections has doubled in physical terms over six years, reaching 709,000 packages in 2016. A similar trend is also evident in value terms. Despite exchange rate fluctuations in 2015, analysts forecast sales growth in the next ten years. An upward trend is associated with the aging of the population and the number of patients with arthritis that doubled over the past 12 years.

29 August 2017

According to the results of the period from May 2016 to April 2017, the volume of the Russian Federation’s market of drugs for the treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities amounted to 15.5 billion rubles in value4 and 49.3 million packages in volume. 

29 August 2017

Based on the results of the 2nd quarter of 2016 to 1st quarter of 2017, the sales of intestinal adsorbent medicinal products in pharmacies amounted to 8.03 billion rubles², which meant that 0.11 billion packages were sold. The sales increased by + 4% in value and + 13% in packages (Figure 1).


29 August 2017

According to the results of the first half of 2017, the number of pharmacies in Russia reached 61,812, the total turnover from the sale of the goods through the pharmacy segment amounted to 551.2 billion rubles. The three leading players (Rigla, Group 36.6, and Implozia) accumulate one tenth of the entire pharmacy market volume under their control, while the Top10 earn more than one fourth in value through less than one fifth of the total number of pharmacy outlets. 

28 July 2017

The volume of the pharmacy market segment amounted to 88.7 billion rubles in Russia, in February 2017, increasing by 11.5% compared with February of the previous year, according to the analytical company AlphaRM. However, due to currency fluctuations, February’s growth compared to previous February amounted to 47% in US dollars and 54% in European currency. In February 2017, compared to February 2016, the average purchase amount rose by 9% and amounted to about 385 rubles.
