Last week, a press conference was held in Moscow dedicated to the start of the XVII contest of pharmaceutical industry professionals Platinum Ounce 2016. The event was attended by many journalists of the editorial staff of the weekly publication, web portal and TV program Pharmaceutichesky vestnik, and their colleagues from other publications. There was enough room for other great stars of the pharmaceutical market as well, as the moderator of the conference, Herman Inozemtsev, described them. The speakers discussed the contest and the general state of the market, which is still far from the stars.

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Herman Inozemtsev gave the floor to the director of the Institute for Public Health Development, Yuri Krestinsky, who said that the organizers did not introduce additional contest categories for the first time in many years. However, the existing categories are already enough for almost all the worthy competitors. The contest includes the following main categories:

  • Project of the Year with sub-categories Business Project, Social Project and Digital Project;
  • Dynamics of the year, in which the fastest growing companies will be represented;
  • Launch of the Year, marking the best launch of new drugs in the market;
  • Drug of the Year, with sub-categories Generic Drug, OTC Drug and Original Drug;
  • Pharmacy of the Year as an individual institution (physical entity). The winner is nominated by the Pharmaceutichesky vestnik.

Also, the Company of the Year will be nominated, with two sub-nominations Drug Manufacturer and Drug Distributor.

The experts vote in two phases. The first phase will begin one of these days, and will be completed in the end of February of the approaching year. “In fact, our method is almost the same as the method used by the American Film Academy in determining the winners of the Oscar,” Mr. Krestinsky said. “Let’s hope this is not the worst comparison.”


The General Director of DSM Group Sergey Shulyak got his colleagues down to earth and spoke about the prospects of the market, both saddening and reassuring its participants. According to the expert, people will have to buy drugs in order not to die, although they will try to find cheaper drugs. These multidirectional trends will provide the pharmaceutical sector with some stability and even moderate growth.

The recently received data for the III quarter show a positive trend in sales of pharmaceutical products (+ 5%), which gives hope for a positive result by the end of the year, said Mr. Shulyak. According to his forecast, the market will grow by no more than 7% in rubles, both in 2016 and 2017. “However, this does not correspond to the rate of growth that we would like to see,” he admitted. “Everyone is used to getting double-digit growth rates, but now we need to think about how to develop further, how to position ourselves and how to move forward.”

General Director of Quintiles IMS Nikolay Demidov supported the cautious pessimism of the previous speaker: in his opinion, there exists a negative macroeconomic background currently, which is diluted by the illusion of stability of the last three quarters. The real disposable incomes of the population are declining and people can buy less goods that are getting more expensive.

Alpharm’s General Director Anna Ermolaeva analyzed the structure of the market and noted that the division of the market into the state and retail segments has not changed: the retail segment of 68% and the state segment of 32%. However, she predicts the growth of the state segment of the market (in packages) compared to 2015.

Director of Health Research of the company Ipsos Healthcare Oleg Feldman drew his colleagues’ attention to digital technologies. He recalled that Donald Trump, who won the elections in the United States, despite his considerable age (70 years – PhV’s note), used these technologies 2 or 3 times more actively than Hillary Clinton.

Digital technologies are also used as a way to cut the costs of promotion. The fact is that the launch of a product in the retail chain is much more expensive in Russia than in other countries of the world. However, conservatism hinders the introduction of such technologies, which applies both to the industry and the country as a whole, Mr. Feldman pointed out.

It should be noted that this year the executive management of the competition is represented by the communication agency Aaron Lloyd Media, and RXCode is the organizer of the award ceremony.

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